Artwork Checklist
Preparing press-ready artwork for commercial printing can be confusing, especially if this is your first print project. Please use these specifications as a guide before uploading your artwork.
File Format
- PDF is in the preferred file format.
- InDesign files can be supplied as entire packages (File > Package) which include images, fonts and the InDesign file. You can compress this into a ZIP file to make it easier to send to us.
Artwork Resolution
- Colour images should be no less than 300dpi.
- Greyscale images should be no less than 600dpi, and monochromatic bitmaps should be 1200dpi.
Colour Mode
- All colour should be converted to CMYK prior to making the PDF, excepting Pantone (PMS) spot colours. Objects and images supplied in RGB will be converted to CMYK by our pre-press team.
- All graphic objects and images that are to print to the edge of the artwork, must extend beyond the trim area by 3mm.
- Text must be positioned a minimum of 3mm from the trim edges.
- All fonts must be embedded, outlined or converted to curves/paths.
- For fonts printed in full colour (CMYK), the type must be no less than 8pt.
Line Thickness
- Minimum line thickness should be 0.25pt.
Die-cut Lines
- All die-cuts lines must be supplied as vector shapes, not bitmap images.
Transparency / Overprint
- All Layers must be flattened.
- If transparency or overprints are to be used in the document they must be flattened and preserved within the documents.
Rich Black
All 100% Black background jobs must be converted to rich black using the following breakdown:
C=40% M=0% Y=0% K=100%. - For rich black in digital printing, please make it at C=100% M=100% Y=100% K=100%.
Browse our checklist of specifications on image resolution, colours, fonts and bleed, to setup artwork ready for print
Read our guide which steps you through the process of converting a file into a PDF from different applications
Discover how to send an entire package of your InDesign artwork including links and fonts for us to finalise for print
Have a design or print project coming up?
We’d love to work with you, so contact our team to discuss
how our design and print service can help your business