Looking for answers?
The complete guide to effective print solutions, creative designs and turning artwork into print-ready PDFs.
Adobe PDF is by far the best file format to supply your artwork. Avoid common problems by saving your PDF specifically for our presses.
An InDesign package gathers copies of all images and fonts used in the document, together with the InDesign file into a folder.
Our system simplifies quoting and ordering, and gives clients a window into our workflow, to track the progress of their jobs.
Use these specifications as a guide for preparing your artwork to be press-ready for commercial printing by Eureka Print.
To help make sure your print is perfect, our design team created templates for various applications, which you can download for free.
Drop your print-ready PDF or a zip package of your artwork directly into our production workflow for a faster turnaround.
These instructions help you to setup a colour managed workflow to ensure your images and designs reproduce accurately.
Find answers to common questions regarding our services, printing in general, and preparing your artwork for a better print result.
We want to share articles about marketing ideas, creative design tips, colour and paper selection, and print finishes.
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We’d love to work with you, so contact our team to discuss
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